In Stock1
PriceAUD $2,100.00

“Pulse porosity (Holiday) detector. Detects pinholes in coatings and wrapping above 150um on metal substrates such as pipes and tanks. Can be used on dry or wet surfaces. 0~40kV output, 4 digit LED display of voltage, alarm sensitivity setting between dry and wet.”

“The …. P40 models can be used for porosity and holiday testing of carbon impregnated coatings such as carbonated rubber, thick coatings such as rubber linings and on ‘plastic’/fibreglass type coatings likely to become electrostatically charged. These models are ideal for use in moist conditions, on wet and contaminated coating surfaces. Commonly known as holiday detectors, spark testers, porosimeters or jeepers.”


  • Condition: Used
  • Type: DC Pulse Porosity Detector
  • Make: PCWI
  • Series: Compact Pulse
  • Model: P40
  • Serial:
  • Range: 5-40kV
  • Resolution: 100V
  • Alarm: Audible
  • Accessories:
  • Input: 12V 7Ah Battery
  • Suits: dielectric coatings on conductive substrates incl Concrete, Contaminated Surfaces, Carbon Impregnated Coating ie rubber
  • Weight: 8.0kg

Replacement price on this item is approximately AUD$4500

The item is sold with a 30 Day Warranty.



Used PCWI P40 40kV Pulse Porosity Holiday Detector (2nd) For Sale Buy Price