In Stock1
PriceAUD $4,000.00

This unit is surplus from the Defence Department. The station arrived with the internal transformer loose due to a nut that had come off in transit. There was no damage evident from the incident except for some scratched on the bottom plate, and the Station functions normally.

The accessories were all still sealed in their original clear bags.

** Please note that this is a 110VAC system and will require a step-down transformer to operate in Australia.


  • Condition: New
  • Type: Repair and De-soldering Work Station
  • Make: APE, PACE
  • Model: SMD-2000M
  • Part: 6200-0009
  • Part: OT1000E03P
  • Serial: 6417019309309
  • Input: ** 110VAC **
  • Accessories: Jetflow Handpiece, Thermal Parting, Res Tweezer, Quad Tweez, Dual Holder, Vac Handpiece, Pedal, Holder
  • Packaging: Generic but Accessories still sealed
  • Weight: 10.5kg

Replacement price on this item is approximately AUD$11,000

The unit is sold with a 30 Day Warranty.

New Pace APE SMD-2000M Soldering & Repair Work Station