Pulsarlube M125250

In Stock7


  • Condition: New
  • Type: Automatic Grease Lubricator
  • Make: Alemlube
  • Series: Pulsarlube M
  • Model: M125 / 250
  • Serial: 200601
  • Capacity: 250cc (Replaceable)
  • Rate: 1-24 applications/month
  • Rating: 4.5DCV to 5.0VDC
  • Temp: -15C to +60C
  • Pressure: 850psi max
  • Viscocity: up to NLGI #2
  • Installation: Up to 10m Single, 6m Multi
  • Accessories:
  • Packaging: Generic
  • Weight 0.8kg

Replacement price of this unit is approximately AUD$450

The unit is sold with a 30 Day Warranty.

New Alemlube Pulsarlube M125/250 250cc Automatic Grease Lubricator For Sale Buy Price